Monday, May 10, 2010

Romantic Walk on the Beach

The other day I took a classmate to one of the nastiest beaches to show her why soil and water conservation is so important. On just a small strip of beach, we found 87 plastic bottles, 7 used tampon applicators, and 2 dirty diapers. That was just on the shoreline, we did not go back towards the trees. Some of these items were left behind by some careless person but what people do not realize is that some were washed up on shore. People dispose of things done the storm drains and it goes straight to the lake. People who do not clean up their animal's droppings are partialing to blame for the bacteria problems in the lake. These droppings are left on the grass and washed in to the storm drains when it rains.

Here are just a few things we all can do to
conserve our water and soil:

1. plant native plants

2. build a rain barrel

3. do not litter

4. clean up after pets

5. do not dispose of thing in storm drains

Have great day at a clean and safe beach,


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